Dear Laurie

Dear Laurie Thank you for dropping by today. Did we really just spend two hours chatting away? OMG! I can’t believe it. Yes, I know I should get back to …

Blogging workshop

My head is still steaming after the workshop about blogging today. God only knows how the listeners must feel… This was the first time I’ve talked about blogging. I mean, …

Living at Mattie’s

You may remember my first stint at Mattie Furphy house a wee while ago. The time has come for my second stay as part of my emerging writer residency with …

Day 4: Crap! Day 4 already????

“Do you need anything?” “No, thank you.” “How are you going?” “Good, thank you.” “Do you get lots done?” “Yes great, thank you.” Theses are typical questions I’ve been asked …